Sapcon's Liquid Fork Level Sensor is now Intrinsically safe!
By Bhavana Rawat on July 13, 2022
BeginnerDuring the COVID pandemic, good news is in short supply! We would like to share some fruitful news, one of Sapcon's best selling product : Elixir, a vibrating fork level sensor has an Intrinsically Safe variant available. The fork level sensor "Elixir Namur" with flameproof and weatherproof enclosure has cleared IS/IEC 60079-0: 2017 and IS/IEC 60079-11: 2011 tests and is now suitable for "Zone 0", Ex ia IIC T6...T3* (-20°C ≤ Tamb ≤+60°C) hazardous environment.
The intrinsically safe level sensor implies that the instrument hardware is especially designed keeping in mind stringent specifications to make it unequipped for making spark under conventional or flaw conditions that could result in an explosion. This instrument can be utilized in applications like Chemical Refining, Oil and Gas, Power Generating and Metal Purifying, and Refining Plants, and so on. The certification will be helpful, exceptionally for "Zone 0" where explosive gas conditions are present for longer timeframe.

The certification is a progressive addition to our products catering to Explosion-Proof requirements. Sapcon Intruments already has 15 years of experience in providing solutions for applications requiring Ex-Proof housings in "Zone 1" and "Zone 2".
References and Further reading:
- Zone Classification: Click Here
- Test Certificate for Elixir Namur: Click Here
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